Good evening everyone! Welcome to Blogmas day 8! Yesterday, I was going to post another Christmasy post, however, I spent all of my day de-stressing from “pre-finals” week. I went to the movies with my lovely boyfriend and then went ice skating with some of my fav people.
Today’s post isn’t about clothes, makeup, or anything like that. Today I had the best day. I was able to go ice skating with my best friends and the love of my life. Today reminded me of blessings of life and thankfulness.
I started figure skating when I was 8 and I “retired” when I was 18. Now I am almost 23 and to tell you the truth, I was scared to get back on the ice after my retirement. I love skating, the jumps, the spins, the wind in my hair, so I always thought since I am not in shape to do ANY of the “tricks”, I wouldn’t enjoy myself. Oh was I wrong. I got to share my special space that I have grown up on with people I love and show them a side of me that they have never met. I can’t explain the feeling, but I just felt tears in my eyes from happiness. I am thankful that my friends who got me on the ice, as without them, I wouldn’t have gone. Yes, I am not nearly as good as I used to be, but the “good” wasn’t what I loved about the sport after all. It was the love. It was the time spent with my mom at the rink everyday, it was the happiness I shared with my coach when I landed my jumps, it wasn’t that I was “good”. I was wrong all along. I didn’t go back for four years, because I was scared and never found time for it again. It is all about love.
While I was having fun and spinning around, an adorable 8 year old girl came up to me, who reminded me a lot of who I was at that age. Curious and just in awe. I didn’t do anything great, just a small spin, but to her, it was incredible. She told me “I hope to be like you when I grow up”, and I couldn’t believe my ears. That was me. That was me 15 years ago, in the same position, looking at my idols. This moment gave me a whole new perspective of life and it was incredible. She gave to me so much happiness and I was able to give her happiness too.
If you are having a bad day or a stressful week, rely on close people to bring you back up. I found a new energy to finish all my finals now, which I really needed after all of the work from last week. Sometimes all we need to do well in something it to completely step away from it and have fun again.
Always find time to do things you love when you are stressed, and don’t let the stress overtake your life.
I am just so happy about yesterday and I hope I have another day like that soon.
I hope you enjoyed today’s a little more personal blog, come back tomorrow for another festive-filled post!
ps: Do you like ice skating?