Hey friends! Today I wanted to talk about my experience having a long lasting relationship in college. This is a bit different to my normal posts, but I wanted to give some “big sister” advice that I wish I read before college. I love reading posts like this because I feel that they are super raw and its an easier way to get to know someone.

Between grades, finals, professors, lack of sleep, and constantly having somewhere to be, college can be a very difficult place to maintain a healthy and stable relationship. Now, I met my amazing boyfriend, William, the first day of orientation freshmen year, so we have experienced all the moments that college comes along with. The weight gain, awkward phases of terrible haircuts, and not so lovely food all comes with the territory. We have found every stage to be a learning experience.

  1. My first “tip” would be to always find time together. Through busy schedules finding that little bit of time for each other is essential. It great to hang out in larger groups, however, individual attention is essential. Put away technology, and just enjoy each others company. Sometimes if we don’t have time to go out, we just study together in the library. There can always be time found.
  2. Try not to fight about things that don’t matter in your relationship. Fighting causes a lot of tension, which can lead you to say things you don’t actually mean. If both of you are stressed, just cool down and talk about it in an adult manner. Things never can get fixed if both people are screaming and mad.
  3. Be open with your partner. Listen to what they have to say and give your advice when needed. Listening sometimes can be one of those things thats forgotten, but its so important in maintaining a healthy relationship.
  4. Be a helping hand. When your partner is busy and doesn’t have time to do mundane tasks, surprise them by doing their laundry, or leave some cute notes around their room so when they get back they have something to smile about. Small acts of showing your love are extremely important when it comes to college relationships.
  5. Discuss the future. Now this one can be hard, as thinking past graduation is daunting. Think to yourself, do you want this person in your life past graduation? Can you see yourself living with this person forever? This is important information, and both partners should have some kind of answer to these questions. They don’t have to be discussed right away, but its important in keeping a happy relationship.
  6. Keep your eye of the prize. If your answer was yes and you do want to continue your relationship post-grad, think of things you have to look forward too. Adult life isn’t the easiest, so having something to look forward to is great. Maybe its renting your first apartment together, or getting a fish, anything that keeps your mind in a  happy place is helpful. For example, my boyfriend and I talk about the little things that we are excited about, like having breakfast and dinner every night together, or never having as much homework again, ahh theres just so many things to be excited for.
  7. Understand your partners perspective and try to see life through their eyes. Now, this one sounds easy on paper, but doing it takes thoughtful time and energy. Seeing things under their light can help ease situations and help create a healthier environment for the relationship.

These little tips are something that I follow and I believe my relationship is successful for those reasons. Remember, no couple is perfect and every couple has their own issues. Don’t compare your relationship with those you see online, because you don’t know what behind the closed doors.

Thank you so much for reading my post, I hope you enjoyed and will be back soon!

Photo by Georgia de Lotz


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